** Update **
I released version 1.9.8 – just added a “from field” to the fallback to ensure better compatibility.
So keep reading 🙂

1.9.7– The SMTP Fallback

Hello everyone.

I started ‘Post SMTP‘ 16 months ago, somewhere on October 2017.
I must say it’s a hell of a ride, support, development, design (sort of), video editing, and a lot more.

I’m happy to say ‘Post SMTP‘ was the first plugin that introduces an amazing feature like notification: The user gets notified by email, slack, or pushover if an email is failed for any reason with exact reason.
While I was very angry to see another plugin copy the idea to his premium SMTP plugin, Alan Fuller from the Advanced WordPress group told me:

So be proud you are a leader in the field rather than a follower.

He was so right and happy to say that ‘Post SMTP‘ continues to release a top feature I will introduce in the next section.
what a privilege that in such a short period of 16 months, we are 90,000 users and I believe the 100,000 is very close, I want to say thank you to every user that trusts ‘Post SMTP‘ to handle the most important aspect in his website: Email delivery.

While working on the plugin I asked for help maintaining the plugin, maybe two people reached but after a short period, they disappeared.
There is only one person that without asking him, at any time could, answer support issues in the most professional way. I want to say a big thank you to CHRIS WRIGHT (aka shine web) for the help.

The Release

This release has some nice features, I will start with my favorite one 🙂

1. Fallback (“the leading feature”)

The ‘Fallback’ feature is a backup SMTP delivery method that will be triggered (if you choose) when the main delivery method fails for any reason.

To not overcomplicate the main wizard, the setup option is only available on the main settings page, when you press ‘Show All Settings‘ and select the ‘Fallback‘ Tab.

failed email fallback

2. WordPress Multisite( Network)

I have added more control over the settings options to the network admin.
The network admin can control to apply of the settings globally and/or select if the user can overwrite the existing global settings.

Post SMTP fallback advance settings

  • Enable global setting
    As a default option, the global settings are taken from the main site/blog (1).
    If you want to apply settings from another blog, for example, open a blog just for this purpose, you can do it by putting this code in your theme functions .php:

    function change_post_smtp_global_blog() {
    	// Return a diffrent blog id
    	return 3;
    add_filter( 'post_smtp_default_site_option', 'change_post_smtp_global_blog' );
  • Allow user to load saved options (overwrite)
    This is enabled by default and was the default behavior, so the user can save options as he wants.
    if you want to apply global settings and prevent a user from touching what you apply just uncheck it.

3. New capability, allow another user to manage email logs

I have added a new capability namedmanage_postman_logs you can apply to any role or user you want to be able to manage the email logs or using a plugin like ‘User Role Editor

4. Fixes

  • Fixed: compatibility with the mailster plugin
  • Fixed: Mandrill exception bug – Thanks to Niels de Blaauw from Level-Level

If you are still here, I want to thank you for reading.
I think it was worth it 🙂

If you are still not familiar with Post SMTP, please don’t wait anymore: