We now have over 300,000+ users, so we have made significant efforts to enhance the plugin’s support and security. After a thorough investigation, we have confirmed that some VaultPress users have indeed reported a false positive error. Rest assured that we have immediately contacted the VaultPress team to verify the issue and whitelist the respective lines of code in their database. We have just received a response from their team, which we are happy to share with you.

Post SMTP & Jetpack VaultPress-58

The VaultPress plugin is in the process of being deprecated. The developers did say that they added this file to the safe file list, so the alert should now be gone.

To future-proof this issue, we recommend migrating to Jetpack VaultPress Backup and Jetpack Protect (sometimes called Jetpack Scan). There are a couple of options for how you can do this:

  • Option 1: Use the Jetpack plugin. This includes backups, malware scanning, and a host of other awesome features.
  • Option 2: Use the Jetpack VaultPress Backup and the Jetpack Protect plugins. These plugins don’t have all the features of the Jetpack plugin, just the most important ones related to backups and site security (this includes malware scanning and a new Web Application Firewall).

Users on legacy VaultPress plans must purchase a Jetpack plan that includes backups and/or malware scanning.

If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, our support team is available to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Post SMTP Team