
I know… I disappear a bit because of work and personal life, but I did my best to support when it was urgent.

I’m releasing version 1.9 with the following features:

  1. You can define on you wp-config.php file your credentials like this:
    define( 'POST_SMTP_AUTH_USERNAME', 'my@gmail.com');

    For API key use this code:

    define( 'POST_SMTP_API_KEY', 'MY_API_KEY' );

    In the wizard or the settings just insert fake info.

  2. Now when you configure ports like: 25, 465, 587, 2525 even if you choose the wrong encryption it will be automatically fixed to none, SSL or TLS.
    If none of this ports will be used it will default to whatever you selected.
  3. Better compatibility for TLSv1.2 – many vendors are migrating to this encryption method if you experience sending issues you are welcome to try again.

As always I’m doing my best to fix or add features you are asking me, my only request if you have any issues just be patience and open a support ticket.