Pushover Notification

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To configure Pushover notifications with Post SMTP, you will first need to create a Pushover account and obtain an API token. Once you have the API token, you can use it with the Post SMTP plugin for WordPress to configure push notifications for your website. Here are the steps: –

  1. Go to the website https://pushover.net/  and click on the Login or Sign-up tab.

2. If you are an existing user just log in here with your credentials.

3. If you are signing as a new user, then click on the Signup for a Pushover Account and fill in all the required information and click on Signup.

4. After signing up make sure to confirm your email address which you used to sign up.

5. When you confirm your email address it will redirect you to the pushover page where you will see your User Key. Copy your User Key.

6. Now go to your WordPress website Post SMTP plugin settings and click on Show all settings.

7. Go to the notification tab and select Pushover from the notification service.

8. After selecting Pushover, you will see the Pushover credentials options where you have to paste the Your User Key which you have copied (See Point 5)

9. Go to the Pushover notification page and click on (Create An Application/Api Token)

10. Write Post SMTP in the name field, click on the check box and click on create application.

11. After creating an Application/API token a new page will appear. Copy the API token.

12. Go back to the SMTP setting in your WordPress website and paste the API token in the required field. Click on save changes.


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