Home Forums Extensions Office 365 Can not Send Password Reset Emails

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  • #70359
    Alexander KlamanAlexander Klaman

    I setup the Post SMTP Plugin to Work with Office 365 API.
    I do get Emails through the Office 365 API both in the Test Menu for the Plugin and using Ninja Forms to send an Email to a Specified address.

    However, attempting to use the “Lost Password” or “Password Recovery” for WordPress, fails to send an Email. I get the message:
    “Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails.”

    What did I do wrong with this?

    This is the Email Log for the Password Reset:
    From: WordPress <wordpress@*REDACTED Domain Name*>
    To: *REDACTED Email Address*
    Date: 2021-04-22 08:01:52
    Subject: [*REDACTED Domain Name*] Password Reset
    Delivery-URI: smtp:none:none://localhost:25

    This is the Email Log for the SMTP Test Email:
    From: Do Not Reply <Do_Not_Reply@*REDACTED Domain Name*>
    To: *REDACTED Email Address*
    Date: 2021-04-21 14:29:29
    Subject: Postman SMTP Test (*REDACTED Domain Name*)
    Delivery-URI: https://amazonses.com:443

    I noticed that the Delivery-URL is not using AmazonSES and WordPress is using Localhost.

    Is that the issue? If so, how can I get WordPress to only use Post SMTP for all Email Functions, or is this not possible?

    If I go to the Diagnostic Test Page for the Plugin I get the following message:
    `An Unexpected Error Occurred {
    “readyState”: 4.
    “responseTest”: “<p>There has been a critical error on your website.</p><p>Learn more about debugging in WordPress.</p>”,
    “statusText”:”Internal Server Error”

    Tim NevilleTim

    Hi Alexander,

    Can you paste a copy of your Post SMTP diagnostics log? You can mark it as a private reply if you wish.

    Kind Regards,

    Alexander KlamanAlexander Klaman

    Hello Tim,

    As I mentioned in the post:
    If I go to the Diagnostic Test Page for the Plugin I get the following message:
    `An Unexpected Error Occurred {
    “readyState”: 4.
    “responseTest”: “<p>There has been a critical error on your website.</p><p>Learn more about debugging in WordPress.</p>”,
    “statusText”:”Internal Server Error”

    As a Popup message in my Browser.

    And the Text box for the Diagnostic Test says:

    And does not update/change

    Alexander KlamanAlexander Klaman

    The Password reset Email does get logged but not sent.

    From: Do Not Reply <Do_Not_Reply@*Redacted Domain*>
    To: *Redacted User Name*
    Date: 2021-04-26 08:59:48
    Subject: [*Redacted Site Name*] Password Reset
    Delivery-URI: smtp:none:none://localhost:25
    Someone has requested a password reset for the following account:

    Site Name: *Redacted Site Name*

    Username: *Redacted Username*

    If this was a mistake, ignore this email and nothing will happen.

    To reset your password, visit the following address:

    *Redacted Password Reset URL*

    This password reset request originated from the IP address *redacted IP*.

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