Advance Delivery & Logs

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Would you like more control over your email delivery and how emails should be sent from your WordPress site? 

With Post SMTP Pro, you can easily enable the Advanced Email Delivery and Logs feature. This feature allows you to send emails from the backend, improving the front end’s performance and speed. Also, it allows you to customize your email delivery settings, such as sending emails in batches, creating email quotas, and setting auto-delete email logs. 

This document will show you how to use this feature to optimize your email delivery and management.

Note: Before using the Advance Email Delivery and Logs extension, you need to have the Post SMTP plugin installed and activated on your WordPress site. If you don’t have the Post SMTP plugin, please install and activate it first.

Download the Zip File of Advance Email Deliver and Logs:

To download the Advance Email Delivery and Logs extension, you need to have purchased the Post SMTP pro bundle. 

If you have already purchased the Post SMTP pro bundle, you should have received an email with the product download link for all our pro extensions.

  • Open the email and find the Download the Product section. 
  • Click on the Advance Email Delivery and Logs zip file link. The zip file will start downloading to your computer.

Install and Activate Advance Delivery and Log Extension:

After downloading the extension, you need to install and activate this extension on your WordPress site. Here’s how.

  • Log in to your WordPress site’s admin dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page
  • Click Choose File and select the Advance Email Delivery and Log extension’s zip file you downloaded earlier.
  • Click on Install Now and wait for WordPress to install the extension.
  • Once the installation is done, click on Activate Plugin to activate Advance Delivery and Log extension on your WordPress site
  • Congratulations! You have successfully installed and activated the Advance Email Delivery and Log extension on your WordPress site. You can now access the advanced email delivery features from the Post SMTP plugin’s settings.
  • Sync your current license with the New Pro license.

Enabling Advance Email Delivery

  • To enable the Advanced Delivery feature, go to the Post SMTP Dashboard.
  • Click the Show Setting button on the dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Advance Delivery & Logs tab from the top bar and toggle the switch to Enable Advanced Delivery. This will enable the feature that allows you to send emails from the backend, improving the performance and speed of the front end. 

Note: To use the below functionality, you must send emails from the front end and disable the Advanced Email Delivery option because these features work best without the advanced delivery. You can enjoy these features by disabling the Advanced Email Delivery toggle.

Batch Settings:

The Batch Settings section allows you to adjust how emails are processed and sent in batches. 

Batching is a technique that helps you manage the flow of emails, avoid server overload, and optimize performance. You can configure the following settings.

Emails per Batch:

This setting determines how many emails are included in each batch. You can choose a number that suits your email volume and server capacity.

Duration between Batches (Seconds):

This setting lets you choose how much time to pause between sending each batch of emails. This duration helps you maintain a consistent and smooth pace for your email deliveries.

Quota Settings:

The Quota Settings allow you to control how many emails you can send within specific timeframes. You can configure the following options:

Enable Quota: 

Toggle this switch to enable quota settings.

Email Quota Value: 

Enter the maximum number of emails you want to send within the chosen quota duration.

Email Quota Duration:

Choose from various options, including per hour, per day, per week, or per month. Each selection allows you to set the time interval for sending emails

Auto Retry:

The Auto RetryFailed Emails feature provides an additional layer of reliability in email delivery. Configure using the following steps.

Enable Auto Retry: 

Enable this functionality by toggling the switch.

Times to Retry: 

Enter the number of retry attempts for email sending if the first delivery attempt fails. This ensures that your important emails have a better chance of reaching their destination.


Managing your email logs effectively is essential for organizing your email system. You can configure how long you want to keep your email logs in the Logs section.

Delete Logs After Days: 

Enter the days after which email logs will be automatically deleted. This ensures that your log files stay up-to-date and relevant

Congratulations! You have just learned how to use the Advanced Email Delivery and Logs feature of Post SMTP Pro. This feature helps you to optimize your email delivery and management by allowing you to send emails from the backend, customize your email delivery settings, and manage your email logs. You can now enjoy faster and more reliable email delivery from your WordPress site.

But wait, there’s more! Post SMTP also offers you another amazing feature: Open Email Tracking. With this feature, you can track when your recipients open your emails.

Want to learn more about Open Email Tracking and how to use it?

check out our documentation, Advance Email Tracking and Reporting.

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