Home Forums Post SMTP Post SMTP email error

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  • #83183
    Shepherd HoodwinShepherd Hoodwin

    I use a Formidable order form. I got Post SMTP because I wasn’t always getting email notifications of orders. When you find an order at the site, there’s the option to send the email again (when I didn’t get the first one), which I just tried after installing SMTP, but I’m getting this message:

    You getting this message because an error detected while delivered your email.
    For the domain: https://shepherdhoodwin.com
    The log to paste when you open a support issue:
    Code: 400, Message: Bad Request, Body: {“code”:”missing_parameter”,”message”:”content is missing in attachment”}

    I seem to be getting emails for new orders but can’t make it re-send. I’d appreciate any help.


    Saad IqbalSaad Iqbal

    Hi Shepherd,

    I hope you are doing well.

    Please share the screenshot of the Post SMTP Settings > Account and Message tab on our email: support@wpexerts.io.


    Robert MilburnRobert Milburn

    Same issue – I received an email with subject: “URL: Post SMTP email error” from your plugin with the following error:

    You getting this message because an error detected while delivered your email.
    For the domain: [URL removed]
    The log to paste when you open a support issue:
    Code: 400, Message: Bad Request, Body: {“errors”:[{“message”:”Invalid type. Expected: array, given: object.”,”field”:”personalizations”,”help”:”http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API_v3/Mail/errors.html#-Personalizations-Errors”}]}

    Robert MilburnRobert Milburn
    Saad IqbalSaad Iqbal

    Hi Robert,

    I hope you are doing well.

    We have fixed this issue on our latest version; please update the plugin, test it, and let me know.


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