Office 365 Extension for POSTSMTP

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 3384 views

Note :-

To access this feature, please consider purchasing our Office 365 Pro Extension. For more information on this extension, please visit the product page.
  1. Go to Post SMTP and click on Start the Wizard.
start the wizard

2. Select Office 365 API and click continue.

Choose your SMTP mailer option

3. Go to

4. In the Azure services, Go to App registrations.

azure subscription option

5. Click on New Registration.

app registrations azure

6. Enter the name.

7. Select this option: Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory – Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)

8. Under URL (optional) select Web and Enter your domain URL.

office 365 pro register application

9. After Registering, Go to Certificates & Secrets.

client secrets

10. Then Click on New Client Secret.

11. Enter Description, Select Expires in then Add.

Office 365 pro options

12. Copy Value and paste it into App Secret.

office 365 pro client secrets option

13. Click on Overview. Copy Application (client) ID. Paste into App ID.

Post SMTP office 365 pro overview option

14. Fill in the required fields and click on Connect to Office 365. After that you will see the message “The OAuth 2.0 authorization was successful. Ready to send e-mail”, click on save and continue.

Post SMTP from address

15. After sending a test email click on finish.

send test email

16. You can view the log section by clicking on “view log section” buttons or you either skip to dashboard by clicking on skip to dashboard.

view log section
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Office 365 Extension for POSTSMTP

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