Twilio Notification Extension for PostSMTP

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How To Setup Twilio Notifications

Get Started

  • Sign up the twilio account to create the message services.
  • After Signup then some basic information needed to about twilio specifications.
  • You will need to get trial phone number.
  • In the below account information available which is Account SID and Auth Token.
  • Create messaging service to get Service ID
  • Write the name of your message service.
  • Select the usage for message service.
  • Add the senders to select multiple senders like phone number or whatsapp. User can add multiple services.
  • Select the Sender type. Ex: Phone number
  • Add phone number to add the service.
  • Setup the integration.
  • Add the compliance information.
  • Complete the messages service setup.
  • Try to sending a message.
  • Navigate to the Services to get the Service ID.
  • Configure it in Post SMTP Notification,
  • Select Service as Twilio.
  • Write the Twilio SID key and Auth token Key.
  • Write the phone number.
  • Write the twilio message service id.
  • After sending the mail, check the status/logs monitor by selecting the messages.
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Twilio Notification Extension for PostSMTP

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