Post SMTP with other SMTP

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 7388 views

You can send emails from any email address using the Other SMTP mailer, which employs the industry-standard SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Consequently, it requires less setup time than the majority of other mailers.

Installing and Activating the Post SMTP Plugin: –

Before getting started, you’ll need to install the Post SMTP plugin.

Let us cover all the steps to set up Other SMTP with Post SMTP.

Go to the Post SMTP dashboard and click on Start the wizard.

Mailer: –

A window will pop up containing different Mailers services. Select Other SMTP from here.

For the From Address, there are two required fields.

a.     From Email (You must use the same email address you used to log in to your Google account.)

b.     From Name.

The “Prevent plugins and themes for changing this” toggle button will be under the From Email and Name fields. Check both of them enabled.

When you scroll down, you will see the different fields under the title of SMTP.

Host Name: –The outgoing server will be listed as your SMTP host in your email provider’s settings.

Port: – The SMTP port is the one that your provider employs for SMTP connections.

Switches on or off authentication. Most providers insist on having it turned on.

User Name: – SMTP user name is your email address.

Password: – To use it as your SMTP password, create a password for the account’s app.

Fill in the required field and then click Save and Continue.

Generating an App Password: –

To create an app password, your Google Account must have 2-step Verification enabled. If 2-step Verification is enabled and you encounter a “Password incorrect” error when logging in, try using an app password. 

Log in with your Google Account.

Select Security.

Select 2-Step Verification from the drop-down menu next to “Signing in to Google.”

Search “App passwords” in the search bar.

Give the app a name to help you remember it when needed. Click Create.

App Password will be generated in the pop-up window.

Copy this App Password and then return to that window or tab where the Post SMTP setup wizard is open. 

Now paste the App Password in its relevant field. 

Click Save & Continue.

Sending a Test Email: –

A screen will appear with the field Recipient Email Address. This step will allow you to send an email address for testing. 

Enter the Recipient Email Address and click Send Test Email

Click on the Finish button.

You can view the log section by clicking the “View logs section” buttons or skip to the dashboard by clicking Skip to dashboard.

That’s it! Now, you can configure Post SMTP with Other SMTP mailer on your WordPress site.

Next, would you like to know how to effectively troubleshoot issues and get diagnostic and connectivity test reports on Post SMTP Plugin? Be sure to check out our articles for more details.

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