Gmail /Google Workspace With Post SMTP

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Are you looking to enhance your WordPress website’s email delivery capabilities by seamlessly integrating it with Gmail or Google Workspace? 

The Post SMTP WordPress plugin offers a powerful solution for streamlining email communication. By harnessing Google’s robust API, Post SMTP ensures secure authentication for your site’s emails, increasing their chances of successfully reaching your users’ inboxes.

This tutorial will guide you on setting up Post SMTP using the Gmail / Google Workspace mailer with your Gmail or Google Workspace email address.

Installing and Activating the Post SMTP Plugin

Before getting started, you’ll need to install the Post SMTP plugin.

We’ll cover all the steps to set up Gmail / Google Workspace with Post SMTP.

The Post SMTP new wizard only required three easy steps to configure any mailer of your choice.

Go to the Post SMTP dashboard and click on Start the wizard

Choose Your SMTP Mailer

A window containing different SMTP Mailer services will appear.

Select Gmail API from there.

Configure Mailer Settings:

There are two required fields for the From Address.

a.     From Email (You must use the same email address you used to log in to your Gmail account.)

b.    From Name.

The “Prevent plugins and themes for changing this” toggle button will be under the From Email and Name fields. Check both of them enabled.

Go to the Google Cloud Console for the Authentication Fields (Client ID and Client Secret).

Creating a Web App in Your Google Account

Login to your Google account and open your Google Cloud Consolein a new tab/window.

Creating or Choosing a Project

Before creating your web app, you must choose a Project. You can pick one that already exists or create a new one. To do this, select the projects dropdown from the toolbar at the top of your dashboard.

You can choose an Existing Project from the list in the popup or click on New Project in the top right corner.

If you use an existing project, move on to the next step.

To begin a new project, type a project name into the fields provided and select your Organization from the Location field’s dropdown menus.  

Then click on the Create button.

You’ll see your newly created project in the notification pop-up.

Enabling Gmail API

The following step for your project is to enable the Gmail API. Go to the sidebar of your Google Cloud Console and select APIs and Services » Library

Enter Gmail API in the search bar. To proceed, click the Gmail API.

To enable the Gmail API, click the ENABLE button on the page.

Setting Up Your OAuth Client ID

Google Workspace Users

Go to the OAuth consent screen under APIs and Services in the sidebar of your Google Cloud Console.

Under User type, you’ll find the two user types.

  • Internal
  • External

Click on External. You will see a screen with the title App Information.

Configuring Your OAuth Consent Screen

You will see two required fields with the title App name and User support email. Fill those fields with the necessary information.

When you scroll down, you will see the Email addresses field titled Developer contact information. Enter the required email, click on save, and continue.

Configuring Scopes

You will navigate to the Scope page. Scroll down the page to the end, click on Save and Continue.

Do the same for the Test Users Page. Click on Save and Continue.

Review and Edit Settings on the Summary Page

You will now see the last page, named Summary. You can edit the settings or click Back to Dashboard to return.

Updating the Publishing Status from Testing to Production

You will see the Publish App button under the Testing heading on the Dashboard. Click Publish App, and a popup window will appear. Click on Confirm so the app can be published and enabled for any user with a Google Account.

Click on Confirm on the confirmation pop-up.

Creating Your Application’s Credentials

First, Click the Credential button on your dashboard’s side menu bar.

Click on Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID from the dropdown menu.

Creating OAuth Client ID

Select Web Application from the Application Type field’s dropdown.

You will see two required fields below with the name,

  • Authorized JavaScript Origins
  • Authorized redirect URL.

Navigate to the tab where the Post SMTP setup wizard is opened.

Now copy Authorized JavaScript Origins

and Authorized redirect URL

Returning to Google Cloud Console, paste the Authorized JavaScript Origins and Authorized redirect URL in the required fields.

Click on the Create button to proceed.

You will see a pop-up window with the Client Secret and Client ID; copy that and

Paste Client ID and Client Secret in the Post SMTP.

Return to the tab where the Post SMTP is open and paste the Client ID and Client Secret values into the Post SMTP wizard’s second step.

Granting Your Site Google / Gmail Permissions

You will see Connect to Google API under the Authorization (Requires) section at the end of the wizard’s second step.

Click on this button, and a new window will appear.

Google login page will appear as a result. To begin configuring Post SMTP, sign in to the account that will be used. Enter your Email 

and Password.

Your permission to allow this website to send emails on your behalf will be requested on the following screen.

Click the Allow button when you’re ready to proceed.

You will be redirected to the configure mailer settings step on the Post SMTP plugin.

Click on Continue and navigate to the last step Send Test Email to verify that all the configurations. .

Sending a Test Email

A screen will appear with the field Recipient Email Address. This step will allow you to send an email address for testing.

Enter the recipient’s email address and click Send Test Email.

You’ll get your test email message status instantly; either it gets sent successfully or gets failed.

Click on the Finish button.

You can view the log section by clicking on the “View logs section” buttons or skip to the dashboard by clicking Skip.

That’s it! Now you know how to configure Post SMTP with Gmail / Google Workspace mailer on your WordPress site.

Next, would you like to know how to effectively troubleshoot issues and get diagnostic and connectivity test reports on Post SMTP Plugin? Be sure to check out our articles for more details.

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